Black Panther: The Seven Dimensions Of Religion

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Black Panther demonstrates religion through different aspects of the 7 dimensions of religion. One of the major ones being the ritualistic dimension, for example, shown by the ritual of challenging the next Black Panther through a fight with voluntary challengers from the tribes.
Black Panther consistently shows religion in its movie. Using the 7 dimensions of religion, Black Panther easily showcases religion. The dimensions that I feel fits within the ideas created in the movie are the ritual dimension, the mythological dimension, the institutional dimension and the material dimension. The reasoning behind calling the ideologies expressed in Black Panther as religion is because of the description of each aspect. For example, the challenging of the Black Panther is considered a ritual instead of an action because it is described, in the movie, as a repeated, thought out action with purpose in relation to religion, “Victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death.”(Black Panther 2018). Religion, in this case, is defined as worshiping a higher being, with the higher being as the Black Panther and the ritual relating to religion as they are fighting to see who will become the Black Panther. The ritual also relates to the institutional dimension, as the King’s relatives are seen as closer to the Black Panther, a …show more content…

By doing so religion has a big effect on them, as it affects their reliability in their safety, “In individual lives, religions calm and comfort,” (Prothero, 9) Although the technology is advanced, creating safety and comfort, most of the technological advancements came to be due to the powers created by the heart shaped root, which even furthers the effect on the individuals in the Wakandan nation, as they rely on the heart shaped root even more: a key piece of their