Black Plague Research Paper

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Yerisinia Pestis, (commonly referred to as the “Black Plague”) is a virus that spreads through contact. The victims of the virus first would notice swelling under the armpits or in the groin, these sores can become as large as an apple or an egg. The sores begin to spread around the body and then change into a black or red colour. After a few days the host would develop a rash and pain all over the body. The victim would also develop a fever and become lethargic, however, they would find it almost impossible to sleep due to increasing pain. The temperature increase would affect the brain and nerves, causing the host to lose the ability to speak and making them less intelligible. 6 days later the victim’s lymphatic glands would swell into …show more content…

These include aminoglycosides such as streptomycin and gentamicin, tetracyclines (especially doxycycline), and the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin. Mortality associated with treated cases of bubonic plague is about 1–15%, compared to a mortality of 40–60% in untreated cases.
People potentially infected with the plague need immediate treatment and should be given antibiotics within 24 hours of the first symptoms to prevent death. Other treatments include oxygen, intravenous fluids, and respiratory support. People who have had contact with anyone infected by pneumonic plague are given prophylactic antibiotics. Using the broad-based antibiotic streptomycin has proven to be dramatically successful against the bubonic plague within 12 hours of infection. (Wikipedia) The black plague originated 15-22 thousand years ago in the mountains of central Asia in the Sartan. The most well known breakout however was in Europe between the 8th and the 14th centuries, during which 25% of the population (25 million people) died. Yerisinia Pestis can infect humans, insects and rodents. The primary transmitter of the disease is the oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla

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