Blanche's Identity In A Streetcar Named Desire

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For an individual to shape their identity, comes an extent to their freedom when doing such actions to develop said identity. Individuals have complete freedom to their own identity but there are restrictions to this factor. Understanding Identity means figuring out and understanding your values and establishing what certain things make you, you. Understanding this is the base for all paths that will help form and shape who you are at the end and who you want to be because it is an independent identity meaning it is you. When it comes to an individual's identity a sought point is their self-determination and Individuals freedom does shape your identity but only to an extent regarding paths that have restrictions, in the book “a streetcar named …show more content…

This identity she upholds to herself develops throughout the book and when we learn more and more of her character we realize she wanted to be taken care of and was a woman who wanted to be posh and have a wealthy man to take care of her. Blanche tried to uphold her identity by going through her wits of lust to try and get to her goal, to uphold her identity after losing Belle Reve which was a plantation her family-owned that was once wealthy and fortunate. Blanche misses that feeling and so she discovers ways to try and maintain it by being promiscuous that traces back to her past when her husband past away shedding new light on Blanche's actions and resulting in how people's perspective of her. Blanche drinks alcohol to fill the lonely void she morns from losing her husband and her personality is what shapes her identity. Blanche struggles with her identity through her social expectations and her past trauma. Ultimately failing with alcoholism and mental illness. These restrictions were the result of her external factors as she was haunted by her past which shaped who she was now and that of her. interactions with other characters developed her identity we are aware that Blanche does …show more content…

However other people tend to infer that the idea of having the freedom to shape their own identity has no restrictions at all and you yourself can have full control over how you manage to shape yourself. Stella is a factor that explains life and an individual's freedom to their identity has no restrictions because throughout the book she sought to find her new happiness in life and leave behind her past from Belle Reve. When she meets Stanley who she wants to be with and even though Stanley abuses Stella throughout the book Stella decides to stay with him and even have a child with him. There are no restrictions til you make them, and the meaning behind this is that life can be brought to many paths that will later shape who you are depending on the roads you cross but since you have control. You can decide how to play your cards from the deck and tell if the choices you make will either affect you or not, there is freedom you just have to make the right choices. Individuals to granting the freedom to shape their identity but there can be restrictions along paths and choices the individual will make and these restrictions do not need to be. Understanding identity is the base for all paths to sprout into different directions that will