Blasphemy: Theatre Analysis

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Theatre will be the beacon of hope that saves the masses from personal destruction, depredation, and dismal, because it requires everyone involved to access its power through the soul. It beckons such a strong reaction, because theatre is based on the interaction of people, and humans interact with each other in every single way possible, which makes for a communication tool beyond compare. This is the reason I have kept it in my life, because, unlike every other experience, my experience in theatre has always led to self-discovery. Every time I leave the stage I know I have touched someone in some way, whether lightly or heavily, thus expanding my emotional capacity as a person. Seeing people’s lives played out on stage makes one put his …show more content…

Knowing this, it’s important that everything I do has a purpose, because I am not only using my gift for others, but I am also using it as a tool of advancement for this art form. All of the past greats defined an era and a time and have successfully emerged audiences into those worlds, and the same thing must be done now. It is blasphemy to take this art that is so dear to time and contribute nothing to its longevity. This is the way I make my small change in the world, and this has always been the way I’ve felt. Moving forward, it’s important that I explore every aspect of theatre that I can in preparation for the challenges that I and the world will face ahead. Truly, the only sure way to advance toward the better world of which we speak is through acknowledgement of the past and consideration for the present in the future, which will become the past. There’s an unbelievable surplus of talent in the world and experiencing it firsthand, through the student body of Davidson Fine Arts and other places, has accelerated my perspective on life and artistry. To see the human body work in ways that are not common or to explore the world through a character’s eyes who uses its actor as a vessel is incredible-always …show more content…

I don’t live my life in the theatre expecting fame, money, or glamour,because those privileges are mostly the rewards of extremely hard work, and working extremely hard is futile if I am working on the right skills with the wrong people. My training requires more of me than my instructors, always, but it helps to know that my instructors want me to succeed. I am grateful for every human being who has come into my life and taught me something about theatre, because sharing the ways of this art is the first step to creating reliable, young artists. Rutgers specializes in intensity, not only capable of revealing my strengths and weaknesses but also allowing me to transfigure my weaknesses into strengths. Cultural exploration is also very important to me, because it is key in understanding different types of people and the experiences they go through, which triggers diversity and understanding. Having a broad view of the world is important for any actor, for it allows us to see the world in different ways creating realistic space for our characters, their journeys, and their transformations. I am ready to work, but, most importantly, I am willing. I strive to work for consistency and the desired ability to access my emotions at any time, for any situation. This ability will evolve and permit me to become both sensitive and humble, and humility is key to any type of success. In going