Blockchain For Fintech Survey

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This report presents the main results of the Survey Q1_2017 on the Blockchain for FinTech, which was conducted between ___ and ___ 2017.
The total sample size was 105 respondents, 25% of which are Executive and Senior level Managers.
The report mainly provides information on the competence of the respondents in comparison to the companies’ engagement in the blockchain sphere; evidence of importance; specific area of interest; barriers to development and companies’ needs. In addition, the report identifies and provides an overview of the journey drivers, which boost involvement in the Blockchain Technology.
According to the Survey on the Blockchain for FinTech the significant difference between First-Level Management and Executive level management …show more content…

It can be clearly seen that there is a gap between personal and company’s development.
Most of the respondents assess own competence above average. At the same time, the companies’ capacities in the blockchain are far behind the respondents’ involvement. As the most of the respondents are the managers, we can make a conclusion that the managers realize lagging of the companies.

It is notable that 18% of respondents state that the companies’ engagement with the Blockchain Technology is zero. Only the 3.8% of respondents consider companies’ blockchain competence at the highest level 10 out 10 points. Most of the respondents (17%) estimate its own competence above average with general score 8 out 10.

The following chart shows the individual blockchain competence level of the respondents according to their professional standing. The First level and Executive managers have 6.4 and 6.3 points out of 10 respectively. It is appears that the First level and Executive management are the most qualified among the rest. In addition, the blockchain knowledge of the First level and Executive managers is even higher than Technical and Engineering personnel (6.2 out of …show more content…

Especially, the 100% of respondents who do not involved in a business count the creation of new business as major driver for the learning blockchain.
The employees of middle size companies (50-249 employees) the same show interest in start-up business. The 60% of participants working in the middle size companies indicate creation of new business as the reason to deal with Blockchain Technology.

To sum up, the small and middle size companies along with the largest corporation are interested in creation new business in Blockchain Industry. It is reasonable as the Blockchain Technology provides an opportunity for the disruptive growth.

The following chart shows, which journey drivers are important with regard to job level of the respondents.
According to chart, the 16 of the respondents working in the First-Level Management view the creation of new business as a key driver for the development in the Blockchain Industry. The same the 17 respondents of Executive level management view new business as a purpose in the Blockchain