Blue Is A Net Ionic Equation For An Aqueous Solution

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Alexis Bamfo Magnet Chemistry 10 Lin/ Period 3 21 February 2017 Homework #1 Page 299 (#s 47-48, 50) 47) An aqueous solution is a solution where water is the solvent. For an aqueous solution, there are many possible solutes, such as ethanol and sucrose. 48) A net ionic equation differs from a complete ionic equation because a net ionic equation only includes the particles that actually participate in the reaction. However, a complete ionic equation shows all the particles as they realistically exists, meaning it includes even the spectator ions (ions that do not participate in the reaction) 50) Net ionic equations communicate more than chemical equations because they show which ions actually participate in the reaction and help to form the precipitate, whereas chemical equations just tell you what is generally in the reaction, but provide no further specific information. …show more content…

7) Aluminum Sulfate solubility is most affected by increasing temperature (its graph has the steepest slope) Blue (aluminum sulfate) Red (lithium sulfate) Orange (potassium sulfate) Page 486 (#s 95, 100 OR 101 OR 102) 95) One property of nonelectrolytes is that they tend to dissociate. So, when they dissociate, they produce an even greater freezing point depression. If it produces a greater freezing point, then it will not help the ice on the road melt. 101) Sodium- Sodium controls the total amount of water in the body; essential to humans. It also helps regulate the volume of the our blood and maintaining muscle/nerve function. Chloride- Calcium maintains the balance and pressure of many fluid compartments of the body. It also helps maintain proper acidity in the blood. Potassium- Potassium regulates the heartbeat and muscle function. It also forms half of the pump that keeps electrolytes in balance; important in neuron

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