Board, C-Suite, And Clinical Management Perceptions Of Quality And Safety Structures

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In the article “Governing Board, C-suite, and Clinical Management Perceptions of Quality and Safety Structures, Processes, and Priorities in U.S. Hospitals”, talked about self-administrated survey assessing the perceptions of board members, C-suite executives, and clinical managers regarding quality activates and structures. This article mentioned about an instrument Hospital Leadership and Quality Assessment Tool (HLQAT), its concepts focuses on what and who are the quality and safety drivers are. This survey was collected from 300 hospitals, which were linked, to performance on the centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) core measures. According to the article higher-performing hospitals appear to be more effective at conveying their vision of quality care and creating a culture that supports an expectation that staff and leadership will work across traditional boundaries to improve quality. (Thomas, 2014) …show more content…

I thought it was interesting to read that the hospitals covered in the study were “expected direction”, and the performance was near the same degree. It almost seemed to me that, the participants were confident to join the study. Another quality focus that, this article talked about was the differences between high and low performing hospitals. Communication domain for boards, collaboration across functions and effective communication processes domains for C-suites, and public reporting of quality. Adequate resources, and employees rewarded for meeting QI goals for clinical management (Thomas, 2014). These are results that the studied shared, which show the quality it’s trying to focus