
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Research Paper

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Body Dysmorphic Disorder
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder? According to Katharine Phillips, M.D., Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is the “preoccupation of some imagined defect in appearance that causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.” Based on this preoccupation, people who suffer from BDD often times view particular body parts as “ugly, unattractive, flawed, deformed, disfigured, or even as hideous, repulsive, or monstrous (Phillips page 27).” Individuals with BDD do not notice particular parts of the body they dislike and forget about it, but instead they dwell on it for long periods of time, and can typically last three to eight hours a day. Theses apparent disfigured …show more content…

But, there I a thin line between normal and excessive concern with bodily appearance. When an individual becomes extremely distressed (trouble) with bodily images, then they are considered to have BDD. As far as impairment, when an individual becomes so distressed with their appearance that it prevents them from engaging in the outside world, such as going to school, having a job, dating, and other social engagements, they are considered to have BDD. Therefore being too involved with your appearance and allowing the negative thoughts to control who you are, your behavior, and also prevent you from being involved with others, can become an life-threatening problem that can result in the diagnosis of Body Dysmorphic Disorder or other dissociative disorders that may lead to the use of psychological treatments and …show more content…

His father had a dream of becoming a musician, but once this fail he seem to begin to live his dream through his children. Michael and his brothers formed a group (Jackson Five) which became a huge success. “From the age of five Michael's amazing talent showed itself. His dancing and stage presence caused him to become the focus of the group (World Biography).” By 1970, the group began to hit the top with their popularity and by 1997 they were elected into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Michael was known for more than just his music career, but he was also featured in movies such as The Wiz. Despite his popularity in the musical world. Michael soon would lose his reputation in the blink of an eye. “In 1993 a thirteen-year-old boy accused Jackson of sexually abusing him at the star's home. Jackson settled the case out of court while insisting he was innocent. The scandal cost Jackson his endorsement (paid public support of a company's products) contract with Pepsi and a film deal. His sexual preference was called into question, and his public image was severely damaged. (World

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