
Why Is Michael Jackson Indirect Molest

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Beginning in 1993 michael jackson molested multiple kids over a period of multiple years at his home “Neverland”

Michael jackson. Household name. But is it for the right reason? Michael jackson has been accused of molesting and sexually assaulting multiple children. firstly he groomed them by becoming close with family, through gifts and his status. Secondly he brought them to his home and committed the acts, and laastly he used his power, influence, and money to cover up accusations. Some cases were brought to court and others were paid hush money. Survivors continue to tell the stories of horror and trauma today, though they are discredited by die hard fans but all the facts show to him being guilty.

MIchael jackson was know to grom the …show more content…

Robinson has also said "Every time I was with him, every time I stayed the night with him, he abused me." and also claiming Jackson had fondled him, "touching my entire body", and made him watch the singer performing a sex act, he said. And then, when he was 14, Jackson had tried to rape him. Since Michael Jackson’s death and even before he died many people have come forward with horrific stories about the abuse they experiances they …show more content…

"And then he would immediately follow that up with, 'But If anybody else ever found out what we are doing, you and I would go to jail for the rest of our lives and our lives would fall apart,' he and I would fall apart," Mr Robson told the programme. "All of this was terrifying to me. "The idea of being pulled away from Michael - this man, this other-worldly figure, this god to me who had now become my best friend - no way was I going to do anything that would pull me away from him." Mr Robson said Jackson had told him "I was his best friend and the only person he had ever done these sexual acts with". "So therefore I was - out of all the boys in the world - the chosen one, I thought," he said. Mr Safechuck told the programme his abuse had begun with Jackson teaching him how to perform a sex act, at the age of 10. "Then you start French kissing - he said I taught him how to do that," Mr Safechuck said. And this had been followed by further abuse and other sex acts. (Haynes)

So is Michael Jackson really known for what he should be known for? The “king of pop” has made lasting impressions on millions of peoples lives, mostly about his music, but for a group of just boys at the time his impact was far more devastating. Although you could say he was a “smooth criminal” for getting away with it for so

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