Case: State Of California V. Conrad Murray

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The people of the State of California vs Conrad Murray was a very high profile case due to the celebrity status of the victim. On June 25 2009 legendary singer Micheal Jackson died of a drug overdose from a heavy sedative called propofol, this mixed with other drugs found in Jackson system caused the overdose to happen. While this occurrence looked to be a tragic accident the fault of this accident only pointed to one person. Conrad Murray was Michael Jackson personnel physician that travel with him during the preparation of the This Is It tour. Murray was charged with the involvement of Jackson death due to his misuse of prescription drugs that he would administer to Jackson. The trail started on September 27, 2011 and was televised for the …show more content…

The first part of the trail the prosecution showed the jury photo of Jackson lying on a gurney, a recording of a slurry recorded speech Jackson gave just day before he died. In the days to come two of Jackson former bodyguards Alberto Alvarez and Chef Kai Chase told their accounts of Murray tell them you put away IV drip and a bottle that maybe propofol in about before calling 911. A liaison Tim Lopez provided Murray with medical purchases testified that Murray indeed had bought propofol, and would increase the quantities of the propofol each time they would counter each other. Later toxicologist named Dan Anderson described to the jury the effects of propofol when mixed with other narcodics. Forensic pathologist Dr Christopher Rogers spoke about his autopsy on Jackson, he stated how Jackson never had heart diease a claim that the defense was aluding too. That the cause of death was actually a propofol intoxication. Later into the trail a doctor named Alon Strindberg testified that Murray was not an expert anasethesia or pharmaceutical, neither was he even board