Body Farm Lab Report Essay

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During this project, labeled Body Farm, we watched how the decomposition progress affected pigs. We used pigs because there body is very similar to us humans. This project expanded over a period of 15 days, but we only observed 11 days. Before we started this experiment there was 10 different questions/theories that we had to think about and answer. So every day we would go outside and observe the pigs and record what happened over the course of one day.

Our first theory question was; which decomposes faster, a piglet that is in its natural state, one that is burnt, one that is buried? And my initial thought was; I believe the pig that is burnt will decompose faster because now that the skin is destroyed it’s easier for bacteria and insects to enter. After the first few days I realized that my theory was wrong. It took three days for the brunt pig to have any sign of change, and that only change was that the burnt pig had gotten darker in color. And the pigs in natural state changed on day two.

Our second theory question was; which decomposes faster, a piglet that has a gunshot wound or knife wound? And my …show more content…

My initial thought was not very many insects are going to be on a suspended pig because there higher up and collect more wind and sun, and there not close to the ground so insects and bugs on the ground can’t get to the pig easily. It took the longest for insects/bugs to appear on the suspended piglet. It took two to three days for them to appear on pigs eight and nine. Our eighth theory question was; what is the succession of insects on a decomposing piglet on the ground and cement? My initial thought was most insects and bugs live closer to ground so there more likely to come out for the pig. I found out It takes somewhere from one to two days for insects to appear on the pig. All the other pigs that are on the ground had all gotten there flies/bees by day