
Body Image Analysis Examples

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Plump lips, unblemished skin, a big bust, a thin waistline, and a considerable derriere is what is often promoted as beauty. Models are required to use heavy makeup to achieve seemingly flawless skin, and their pictures and videos are further edited to change and perfect their features. What results is unattainable features and figures. People outside of this figure and feature range are often labeled, ‘ugly’, ‘weird’, and other such titles of the sort to such an extent, that these people begin to perceive themselves as an attractive being. Due to these preconceived ideas of beauty, both women and men berate themselves, and constantly compare themselves with others so they may never reach a point of satisfaction in terms of appearance. However, …show more content…

Some prefer more plump figures, while others prefer some blemishes on the skin which they find more natural. The images presented in class evoked many emotions within me, including ones of envy and disgust. As I was only given a few seconds worth of time to analyze, I analyzed everything I could. For the first image, my thoughts about the woman’s body were explicit. Her body was perfect and she had marvelous legs; however, as I took a glance at her face and realized how decrepit and unattractive her face appeared to me, all thoughts of astonishment had subsided. The second image displayed had invoked feelings of envy and jealousy within me. The image was of a plump and curvy woman, and although I knew that the trimmed waist, sizable chest, and ample behind had been acquired through means of plastic surgery, my emotions remained unwavered. Not only was the woman’s body stunning, but features …show more content…

This not only drives a person to rely upon plastic surgery to ‘fix’ themselves, but it also causes a person to feel depressed and self-conscious. As a teenage girl, the body image that society popularizes as beauty, is the body image I strive for. As I am unable to reach all of my goals regarding my body, I also chastise myself. Majority of the time, I am not pleased by my reflection, however, I have learned to accept my body. I am thinner, stronger, taller, and possibly curvier than others, and that is reason enough for me to be appreciative of my body. I definitely have some body goals to reach, and I want to use fitness as a means of working on my body, because it is a natural technique. Not only is fitness a major component in beauty, but it also plays a massive role in your health. I am, for the most part healthy, however, I am not healthy enough. However, I am confident that if I keep building on my body through physical activity, I will definitely reach the body goals I am aiming for. Whether I reach those goals or not does not seem to matter to me, as long as I maintain my fitness, because fitness provides me with a sense of strength which leads me to feel confident about my body and accept the way it is. Hence, fitness is undeniably creating a positive impact on my body image, and I hope to maintain fitness as a

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