
Body Paragraph On Speak By Melinda Doe

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Body Paragraph #1 Due: 3/22/23

Someone who has been raped needs the utmost support from people instead of being hidden away with no one to talk to about their experiences. In the article “Waking up to the enduring memory of rape”, Emily had no one to talk to after she was raped. When she finally had the courage to talk to a therapist, they denied the fact she was raped and basically told her to go home. The therapist states it wasn’t “real rape” and that it, “was so long ago that I should be over it by now”. It’s hard for a victim like Emily to get over something like rape when someone with a profession of helping someone dismisses her issue.

Body Paragraph #2 Due: 3/26/23

People who are victims of rape feel alone and distance themselves from other people because others do not understand the seriousness of rape. In the book Speak, Melinda …show more content…

This is because she believes there is no one to trust or even if she tells someone they will not believe her or even shame her for “lying” about it.
If Melinda had sought support, she would’ve realized people were there with similar experiences with the same person. Instead of just spreading the word like she did on the bathroom stall she might’ve received support not just through writing on a wall but maybe from fellow classmates or students who might’ve gone through the same thing

Body Paragraph #3 Due: 3/28/23

Sexual assault was something that was almost praised upon when a guy did it to someone. Even though it was praised, most people didn’t even realize its existence. In the article “Waking up to the Enduring Memory of Rape”, Emily was raped inside of a hotel

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