Discuss The Role Of Information Technology In Supply Chain Management Case Study Boeing

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2. Be able to select suppliers of goods and services
2.1. Device a system for supplier selection in Boeing
Potential suppliers should be evaluated on a range of criterias:
 Operational capability
 Production capacity,
 Business integrity,
 Financial health,
 Geographic locations,
 Performance,
 Reliability,
 Quality of product,
 Delivery and overall customer-supplier relations. .
Boeing must use the globalization effect to its advantage by spreading risks associated with production within its partners. For that the company had ti take risks but it did benefit them.
• Boeing should know which part it should manufacture on its own and which parts it wants to subcontract. The parts with sensitive characteristics should be built …show more content…

3. Understand the role of information technology in supply chain management and explain the role of logistics in supply chain management in an organization
3.1. Assess how information technology assists integration of the components of the supply chain in Boeing
As Boeing needs to continuously work with its partners regarding the manufacturing of the Boeing 787 Dreamliners, it needs an integrated information sharing method to fully coordinate the overall information chain.
The first step is the information down flow from Boeing to its suppliers regarding its requirements,
The second step is to make sure procurement and standard issues are communicated efficiently
The third step involves the overall coordination in just in time procurement methods as well as overall manufacturing standards
The fourth step is to integrate the finished components back to Boeing’s main facility
The fifth step is to communicate necessary information regarding the arrival of eh components
The sixth is to assemble the