Bojack Horseman Essay

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Describe how the narrative device is used in the text

The flashback from season 1 episode 8 of Bojack horseman is used in the text to provide context and background information for Bojacks’ character and his relationship with Herb Kazzaz. The flashback demonstrates how Bojack’s past actions have had long-lasting consequences, on him as well as those around him. It also highlights the complexity of Bojacks persona as he struggles with his own self-guilt of ultimately betraying his friend's trust.

Give an example of the narrative device from the text

The flashback in season 1 episode 8 of Bojack Horseman takes place in the 1980s when Bojack and Herb were costars on the television programme “Horsin’ Around”. In the flashback, we …show more content…

Flashbacks are used throughout the series to firstly provide context and backstory for the characters as well as allow the audience to better understand their motivations and actions. Bojack is forced to confront the consequences of his past actions and the harm he has caused to those around him. Bojack is compelled to face the fallout from his prior actions and the pain he inflicted on those closest to him. Bojack's ongoing battle with addiction, depression, and self-destructive behaviour is set in motion by this epiphany. Explain how the use of the narrative device does one or more of the following …show more content…

Flashbacks are employed in "Bojack Horseman" and "Grey's Anatomy" to provide the characters' crucial context and a backstory. However, the use of flashbacks in “Grey's Anatomy” Differs from that of “Bojack Horseman”. For instance, "Grey's Anatomy" employs flashbacks to examine the pasts of multiple different characters and to show how their experiences have influenced who they are today.The series also use flashbacks to convey fresh details and plot twists that influence the current plotline. In contrast, “Bojack Horseman” essentially uses flashbacks to dive into bojack’s past and how his experiences have contributed to his current well-being, as well as explore his different relationships. Overall, both series employ flashbacks to give their characters meaning and backstories, but the ways in which they do so, vary depending on how many characters are covered, and how the flashbacks are employed. By giving crucial context and background history on Bojack's character as well as simultaneously exposing his weaknesses and challenging the audience's image of him, the flashback in season 1 episode 8 of Bojack Horseman both meets and exceeds the expectations of the viewership. The flashback relates to the world at large by exploring themes