Book Of Acts Research Paper

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Do me a favor and take your Bibles and hold them up. I just want you to take a moment and look at all the Bibles. At Connections, we understand that we need the Word of God to completely direct us.

Beginning today, we are going to take this journey through the Book of Acts. Over the next several months, I really want us to begin each time of teaching with this prayer…

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your awesome acts of love, grace and mercy.
What You did in the Book of Acts will You do again.
What You did through them, will You do it again through us.
In Jesus Name, Amen

Please take your Bibles and turn with me to the Book of Acts 1 as we begin this series LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

Acts 1:1-9…
In my first book I told you, Theophilus, about …show more content…

• Because there is no poverty in there.
• No orphans in there.
• No homeless people in there.

Sometimes our security and our comfort becomes our shell. When we see things like poverty and orphans and homelessness, all we have to do is climb into our shell.

Racism? Injustice? Ha! You’re kidding me! Not while I am in here!

Most people, these days, don’t know what they would do if they didn’t have a shell they could climb into and get away from all the mess in the world.

Let me tell you just how this works. A few years ago, I remember driving down to the local grocery store to pick up a few items we needed at the house.

As I was standing in line, minding my own business, I noticed the lady ahead of me had a herd of little kids, I noticed that she was paying her groceries with food stamps.

Now typically, I could stir up a smirk and pigeonhole people as fast as you can say, “Burden on society”. However, those little girls got to me… with their strawberry sweetness and ribbons in their hair.

About that time, I noticed the cashier was giving the food stamps back to the mother. Apparently, there were not enough food stamps to cover the food that she had purchased for her