Book Of Jonah Research Paper

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Jonah also known as Jonas is the name given in the Hebrew bible to a prophet. Jonah was the son of Amitai and was one of the greatest prophets during the time of Jeroboam II. As a disciple Jonah had anointed Jehu and enjoyed the Kings benevolence. God commended Jonah to go to Nineveh and speak for God and speak out to them telling them what they where doing bad as Nineveh was founded by Nimrod and shorty after during 900 B.C. Nineveh had rose to power, planning on conquering Israel. By 721 B.C. the army had destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel, so Jonah chose to ignore God as he would of liked to see Nineveh go into destruction because if he done what God commended him to do he would be putting Israel into threat. Jonah decided to go into …show more content…

Jonah decided to ignore God and flee on a ship and travel to Tarshsish, although you can not run away from God. God found the ship Jonah was travelling on and created a storm that could destroy the ship. The man on the ship then prayed to their God’s and after a few questions found out it was Jonah who was the cause for this storm. Jonah pleaded for them to throw him over although the man didn't think this was all they could do until they realised God was not going to stop the storm until Jonah was thrown over the ship. The men threw Jonah over and God got a big fish to swallow Jonah for three days and three nights, Jonah spent those three nights and day praying for mercy from God. God then got the fish to throw up Jonah on the third day. Jonah was then given another chance to listen to God and go to Nineveh and preach to the people of this land. Jonah then went and preached to the people of Nineveh. The people of this city where sorry for the destruction they had caused and regained their sins. God then taught Jonah a very valuable lesson that their were women and children apart of this city that had nothing to do with the destruction and couldn’t help what was going