Book Of Luke Research Paper

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The book of Luke, or simply called “Luke” is the second longest canonical gospel, telling the true events of Jesus’ life from his birth until his death and resurrection. Shown throughout, stories of Jesus’ character and ministry give us a vision of who he truly was, page by page Luke reaffirms who Jesus truly was. The book of Luke contains numerous accounts of Jesus’ ministry, including the story when Jesus heals a girl and a sick woman, when he calmed the storm, when he restores the sight of a blind man and when Jesus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners.

Part A

Luke 8:40-56, A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed. This excerpt of Luke narrates the story when Jesus healed a woman who was suffering from a 12-year long ailment and resurrected a girl who had recently passed away using only his words. This passage manifests Jesus’ good nature through his willingness to help others, and his unfailing ability to make a difference. At one point in the narrative, Jesus states “Do not fear. Only believe, and she will be saved.” reaffirming his astounding abilities and holy way of thinking. To have faith in Jesus will promise you to be saved, as even just believing will undoubtedly help you.

Luke 8:22-25, Jesus calms the storm. This passage recounts the story of when Jesus and …show more content…

Jesus had forbearance with us and our sins, so we must have same fortitude with God. Someone who mimics this idea of patience is Cardinal Avery. Avery was raised in a Presbyterian household but was never serious about his faith or his beliefs. It wasn’t until college when he started reading the gospels, which led him to the mercy and grace of God. Soon after he became a devout Catholic, and eventually was received into the church in 1940. Cardinal Avery's story proves to us that God is patient with us, as we must be with him and no matter how long it takes God’s love will be revealed to us all