Book Report On Night By Elie Wiesel

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Elie wiesel was born september 30 1928, He was a basic jewish child. He grew up in a small village in romania. His world was centered around his family, god and his religion. All of this was nearly destroyed in the years to come in his lifetime.
.His family and community were wiped out even though they were innocent.. The book night is one of the best books that explains the experiences jews faced in the holocaust. He was born in transylvania in 1928, which is now part of Romania. He was 15 when he and his family were deported by the Nazis to the Auschwitz concentration camp. His mom and sister died, his two older sisters lived. Elie and his father were taken to Buchenwald, his father died right before the camp was Freed. The camp was freed …show more content…

He lost everything in it but his life. He wrote a book called night that was a very well respected and historical book about his experiences in the holocost. He wrote the book to tell people about the horrors of the holocost. He was very upset and devastated after it. In the book night, he goes through a very detiled and thouhgt out step by step sequence of events in his lifetime. H e also explains speific situations he was in . Like for example he was in a hermatticly sealed cattle car being transported to a concentration camp. He was in the cattle cart with many more jews. The Nazis told him that if anybody were to escape, the whole cart would be executed. He also exlained a situation where he warned people about the incoming dangers of the holocost and no one listened. The book night is crittically acclaimed due to its easy to understand storyline , and well known topic. The holocoust was a topic that needed to be written on and who else was better to do it than Elie wiesel. He already was a great writer due to his religious studys as a child. His suffering from the holocoust fueled him to create a book and create it well. He needed to tell the world his story and tell the world about the gross injustice of the holocost. The book night is now availible in 30 langueges and it sold 50 million coppies. Elie wiesel explained how him and his fellow prisoners were stripped of their humanity. He also wrote many books on what he remembered. Elie wiesel is a very sttrong idividual and hero. He lost evertyhing in his experience and he dicided to write and warn people about the dangers of keeping quiet instaed of feeling sad for himself and probabbly commting suicide. He was commended in many ways due to his decision. I feel that elie wiesel was a very influencial person in the developmen of this world and the develpoment of knowlege. He also was a very important political figure by creating a book that had