During WW2 Hitler had tried to prove that Germany was trying to that germany was strong enough they destroyed Jewish people. The Night book was by Elie Wiesel. It talks about what happened during the Holocaust. Wiesel talked about how the German were treating the Jewish people in the concentration camps. He talked about the concentration camps and the war. Elie Wiesel talked about the Holocaust and the camps .Ellie in the beginning of the book he had faith, but threw out the story he lost faith and he blamed god for his mistakes for killing all these people instead of saving them. Ellie had faith in god quote {(we believed in god trusted man and lived with an illusion) page x This quote shows us that Ellie had a strong faith in god and his companies. When we first saw Ellie it shows us he had a strong faith in god when he was with his family singing a song about God. When everything was good Ellie showed us that sometimes Faith is not always the answer later in the book Ellie shows us that his religion shows us sometimes it shreds into pieces when he gets to the concentration camp. This proved that Ellie had a mix of both religions he lost faith in god when he first seen the crematorium …show more content…
In the Night, Wiesel was talking about their lives in the camps. Their lives were full of darkness. For instance, “The days were like nights, and the nights left the dregs of their darkness in our soul.”(Night 67). This quote made the people feel sad . Ellie has shown us that no matter what we still remember the Jewish people who died in the camps. People out threw the book didn't have much faith when they had to go threw all the suffering they all doubt God and they think he should be punished. When the people get to the new camp Gleiwitz they had lost a lot of faith in god and they asked why is he doing