Fast Food Nation Analysis

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Anthony Mendoza
English II CP
September 14, 2015
Summer Assignment
Over the summer, I choose to read Fast Food Nation. This book was really an eye opener to me towards fast food chains. The main idea of the book Fast Food Nation is to show the dark side of the fast food industry. The author supports this throughout the book by talking about the workers of the food industry, quality of meat served and advertisement aimed towards children. These are all examples of how bad the industry truly is. This book really has an impact towards readers after finding out what fast food chains are really like. The fast food industry has always depended on its employees to accept low wages for part time. In chapter 3, we are brought to Colorado Springs, …show more content…

Schlosser introduces chapter 9 by discussing one of the largest food recalls in history. In the year 1997, around 35 million pounds of ground beef was called because of a strain of E Coli was found in it. The author Schlosser explains now that meat is distributed nationwide, an epidemic can happen across the nation if disease is present in meat. Schlosser supports this by saying you can get seriously sick by eating a hamburger since there is shit in it. He continues to say that over the past few decades, numerous outbreaks of E Coli suggest beef is not completely safe to eat. Schlosser also adds that the way cattle are raised, then slaughtered and finally processed make it ideal for an outspread of E Coli to happen. Cattle typically eats grass and grains but due to rising grain prices, farmers change what they eat and result in feeding cattle, remains of other animals, including their waste. This all demonstrates how unsanitary the food in fast food restaurants are and the terrible quality of food served to you. The worst part is how the industry targets children to get them hooked on the food at an early …show more content…

Schlosser in chapter 2 explains how the fast food industry has made marketing towards little kids an art. They often target them by airing commercials, including their restaurants with play lands and toys so that kids urge parents to take them to a fast food restaurant knowing that kids can get obese or catch diseases from the food. Fast food restaurant’s such as McDonalds has gone as far to say it’s a “Trusted Friend”, making it seem it cares about its customer’s wellbeing. Also, the author includes that fast food restaurants pay to advertise at schools with low funding to lure students into eating at fast food chains. This all shows how fast food restaurants aim their advertisement at kids to make them customers for