Similarities Between 'The Three Little Wolves And The Big Bad Pig'

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1. BICS/Social Language/SOLOM • SOLOM numerical results 1. Comprehension SOLOM number: 3 • For her comprehension level I scored Genesis a level 3 because she is a very smart girl and does not struggle to bad with comprehension, however there is room for improvements. When asked comprehension questions, she understands what is going on or what is being asked of her, but almost every time you ask her a question she hesitates and takes some time to answer. • For example, after reading a page in the book, “The 3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig,” Genesis was asked several questions based on the page read. She got some of the questions right, but it took some time and guidance. 2. Fluency SOLOM number: 2 • I gave Genesis a score of 2 for fluency …show more content…

• Identify one similarity and one difference for of the areas 1. Comprehension-3 • Similarity: While reading, “Under the Sea,” Genesis was able to follow along with the story. Similar to how she was able to while reading, “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.” When asked to retell the story through pictures, Genesis was able to describe some of the story, but not all. It also took her some time to think about what she was going to draw to retell the story. • Difference-the difference for comprehension from reading and writing is that Genesis was able to draw what she remembered instead of having to think about what questions were asked. 2. Fluency-2 • Similarity-Her fluency through writing is much like her fluency while talking. When writing Genesis forms short, choppy sentences. • Difference- it is hard to tell a difference between her writing fluency and her reading fluency. She is in Kindergarten so she does not have perfect writing skill, however I noticed that while writing Genesis did not say as much about the story as she could when she was verbally

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