
Book Summary And Character Analysis: Queen Elar

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INS- Reading Notes
Main Characters:

Name: Mare Barrow
Age: 17 years old
Physical Appearance: Mare has been described with river brown hair that is dark at the roots and pale at the ends that fade into grey. She has brown eyes and olive skin with a body that is short and agile. She has the form of a gymnast and is red-blooded.
Personality traits: Mare is known to be very aggrieved, snappy, and hot-tempered in her village. Her mother even tells her, in the kindest way possible, that she is indeed rougher than Gisa. This is only because her life is not very joyful due to the reason that her brothers are at war, her family is financially unstable, and that she will be conscripted soon. Not to mention, she dislikes the fact that Silvers are not treating the Reds properly. With a rebellious heart, she strives for freedom for everyone. Nevertheless, she is very …show more content…

She has very pale skin and a pointed smile.
Personality traits:
Elara was shown to be unrelenting and ruthless to get what she wanted. She possessed the ability to invade people's minds and privacy, and often did so sometimes without the person knowing. Despite her cold demeanor, she loved her son deeply and would do anything for him.

Relationship and behavior with other characters:
Mare Barrow- Elara uses Mare to kill the King due to the power he holds over her.
Prince Maven- Elara loves her son dearly and together, they betray the others.
King Tiberias – Elara was never in love with the King, but rather the power.
Queen Coriane- She hated her because the King chose Coriane to be his first wife.

Name: Prince Maven
Age: 17 years old
Physical Appearance: Prince Maven can be illustrated tall and black haired. In comparison to his brother, Cal, Maven is paler and leaner that him. He is sharp-featured and serious with blue eyes that are clear like water.

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