Bootleg Music Downloading Is Bad Essay

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Nothing is Left Behind
The article “Bootleg music downloading a thing of the past? Not so, study says” reports on the not so abandoned bootlegging. It gives factual evidence to show how bootlegging is still in the present. Deleting a website for bootleg music downloading, did not decrease or stop the illegal downloads. There just seems to be another site to be deleted. However, legal websites like Pandora and Spotify did decrease the illegal downloads, but did not stop them. A majority would agree with the writer’s opinion that bootlegging is not a thing in the past, but still in the present.
The factual evidence from the article proves the statement that bootleg music downloading is not a thing in the past. The first sentence in the article …show more content…

The cost for streaming on phones has decreased in price effecting the percentage of music illegally downloaded to be brought down in numbers. Although this point is valid, there is still a price to streaming without the interruptions of commercials and the premier packages often sought after. With illegal downloading, the music is free in price and free of interruptions. Resources such as Apple Music has become a popular way of obtaining music at a lower price rather than buying each song individually, but with bootlegging, people are able to have whole albums without the monthly price. Some are just not willing or cannot afford to pay fees that come with Spotify or Apple Music, so illegal downloading stays a prevalent problem. Pandora is a free music sight and the listener has the ability to control their genres and stations, but the listener is not able to store the songs or control what plays next. With bootlegging, the listener can acquire the music of their choosing and listen to a specific song whenever. Others will argue that bootlegging music is a thing of the past, but even with all the new developments, it is