Borderline Personality Disorder Essay

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Personality disorders are defined as “a deeply ingrained pattern of behavior of a specified kind that deviates markedly from the norms of generally accepted behavior, typically apparent by the time of adolescence, and causing long-term difficulties in personal relationships or in functioning in society” (Oxford Languages). Personality disorders were clustered in. There are different approaches to determining a personality disorder. To be more specific there are two approaches to diagnosing personality disorders. There is a categorical and dimensional model that professionals pick between. To expand, categorical models argue that a person with a personality disorder either has it or they do not. There is not an in between but for a dimensional …show more content…

Antisocial personality disorder is someone who has no remorse for people and they’re deceitful. Most criminals have antisocial personality disorder because they don’t have remorse and they will steal and break the law to get what they want. Next is borderline personality disorder these are people who like to take risks and have big mood swings. Borderline personality disorder can be compared to bipolar disorder because they have episodes of mania and then episodes of depression as well. Histrionic personality disorder is also included in Cluster B. A person who is diagnosed with this disorder is in dire need of attention. They’re the life of the party and have an excessive need to be liked. When they’re not liked or feel like they’re not liked then they can become very depressed. They also can misunderstand relationships with people and think it’s deeper and more close than it actually is. Lastly there is narcissistic personality disorder. I’ve experienced this one first hand and it can be a real issue trying to have a good relationship with them. They lack remorse and don’t care about other peoples opinions. They can never admit when they’re wrong and will manipulate you to get what they want. They have a sense that they’re better than you for zero reason at all besides for them just being narcissistic. They can create real strain and will never admit they’re a problem …show more content…

The most mentioned one was relationships and after learning about all the disorders and the clusters it makes sense. Having these struggles to connect to people and have relationships with them obviously makes it very hard (but not impossible). Some others that were mentioned was jobs, daily tasks, etc. It could be very difficult to determine if some did have a personality disorder for a multitude of reasons. Each personality disorder of each cluster are all very similar. Also, people display every trait of a personality disorder in some way. It is just a matter of how extreme it is. Is it affecting their daily life and even if it is a little bit is it a huge issue? Even a trained professional can have a hard time picking out what a person is because every human in someway displays these traits. Personality disorders can be diagnosed in young kids quite often but they can dissipate with age. As symptoms and issues persist is when the problem can be identified. Personality disorders are common with it affecting 10% of adults which may not seem like a lot but that’s 33,441,439 million American people. Personality disorders can last a lifetime. The only real time they can be worked on and fixed is when they address the issue and recognize it and then they go to a therapist for it. Treatment plans mainly consist of talk therapy but medication can help in some cases too. The most effective is talk therapy as