Bored Dog Research Paper

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Bored Dog: 10 Stimulation Suggestions Ways For Treatment

How To Help A Bored Dog

A bored dog will chew, dig, and do anything that can release its frustration. Give your pet extra attention to avoid that.

What ways can you take to stop your bored dog from misbehaving and tearing up your surroundings? There are 10 simple ways to go about it. So let us start from a simple one here. This remedy is also good for cats.
Take a walk
For some dogs, all it will take is a 20 minute walk many times in one week. Consider the size of your pet and make sure you do not overdo it. You just want to get it tired enough to rest for a very long time.
Add another pet
Some dogs may want company, so try to get your bored dog a kitten or another dog friend. If they get …show more content…

Allow it tp play that role. For example the terrier likes digging, so provide an area in your backyard for it to do so unless you live in apartments then you might take your bored dog out to dig somewhere.
Another example is Labrador retriever loves to splash in cold waters so provide it with that choice.
Dog toy with treat
Get a nice hollow dog toy and place your dog’s best treat inside. It will take it a long time to be entertained by this toy.
Beside this a good hide and seek interactive puzzle like the squirrel fun and a dog treat dispenser will go a long way in keeping your bored dog busy.
For cats only
Cats love reflections
Anything that moves draws cat’s attention. A reflection on the walls, and floor, from a crystal hanging on the window may keep your pet occupied for hours.
Mental challenges
Give your cat a mental challenge with cat puzzles or create your own puzzler. Cut holes in a shirt or shoe box big enough for your cat’s arm to go through but small enough to prevent a tennis ball coming out. Place in a ball and let the cat figure out how to get it out. It might take it hours to play with this. This will keep the boredom at