Boy Scouts Argumentative Essay

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In the year of 1910, the Boy Scouts of America were formulated under the direction of William D. Boyce. This particular organization for boys was favored by former presidents William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, as the organization was held to higher standards (“Founders”). Recently, there has been a controversy as to whether or not homosexual leaders should be allowed in Boy Scout troops across the United States. Many are indecisive in this situation, but my personal belief remains firm. The Boy Scouts of America should not allow homosexuals to enter the organization as leaders because of the possibility of sexual assault, families that want same-sex orientation for leaders and youth, and the organization’s foundation on God.
Throughout the Boy Scout of America’s history, there have been a series of sexual assault charges filed against troop leaders. By allowing homosexual leaders into the organization, the number of sexual assaults committed would increase due to the leader’s sexual orientation. Now that the ban has been lifted, research has been conducted that proves homosexuals are more likely to molest and sexually abuse youths. Since the ban was lifted, multiple families have questioned whether or not they want to be a part of the Boy Scouts of America,
Parents and …show more content…

Allowing homosexual leaders into the organization has already created an increase in molestations and sexual abuse. Mothers and fathers across the nation contemplate the decision of allowing sons to become Boy Scouts due to the insecurities caused by homosexual leaders. Leaders that choose this life are not fulfilling their position and duty to Christ because of sin. If the organization continues to accept such behavior, many will lose the great opportunity of becoming a Boy Scout of