Bp Oil Spill Essay

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With the current state of BP, a somewhat massive overhaul to spending is necessary to fix the company’s safety and integrity problems. The safety issues being the unmaintained equipment of offshore oil rigs and the dangers they impose on employees. The integrity problems on the other hand are more to do with honesty and the company not following through with claims of being environmentally friendly. From a purely Financial standpoint it may not appear more beneficial for the company to continue disregarding the necessary repairs. Scheduled maintenance and repairs are needed to keep the rigs fully functioning. On paper, the rigs may appear to be functioning properly without the maintenance. Nevertheless, the long-term functionality of the …show more content…

This act puts more money in their pockets and makes the company appear more profitable. While the top executives of the company are benefiting from cutting costs, the employees working on the rig are being harmed. If left in unsafe working conditions the employees are at risk of serious injury or even death. Even though the company thinks it is their right to deny funding to the lower employees they are also denying the right to safe working conditions to those very same employees.
The moral dilemma faced here is if it is okay to cut funding when it risks the lives of employees. If the management’s dangerous behavior is never caught, then cutting costs would be the better choice economically. By cutting costs the company would be lowering their cost margins meaning the company would make a bigger profit. On the flip side, the damages from major blowouts is much more expensive to replace that the maintenance repairs, especially when one of possible the damages is the loss of human life. The use of old oil rigs is perfectly legal. The old rigs work well enough if they are maintained, and they are fully depreciated meaning they lower costs. However, not maintaining them is a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. OHSA has required standards of safety and by not upholding them the company is breaking governmental code and