
Bradbury's Predictions In Fahrenheit 451

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Fire is everywhere. From the depths of the darkest hearts to the burning passion between two lovers, fire lingers among us. It can destroy the most spectacular creations in the blink of an eye, which is exactly what the setting of the book Fahrenheit 451 is based off of. The author, Ray Bradbury, uses his book of fire and destruction to show what we are going to be like in the future; more specifically, what we will be like without books. Since books are no longer allowed in this futuristic society, many factors were predicted. Obviously some of his predictions were wrong, but for the most part his ideas were relatively correct. Unlike his inaccurate prediction of how society will be corrupt, he remained accurate on his predictions of both …show more content…

In Fahrenheit 451, books are no longer allowed, making it against the law to read them; which, in turn, resulted in some corrupt ways to enforce this law. For example, firemen would douse houses with kerosene and light them on fire. Obviously, firemen today don't prance around lighting every house that contains a book, so Bradbury hasn't been very accurate in his prediction so far. As you near the end of the book, a man is killed in Montag’s place so they can end the story of him being chased by the firemen. This man was totally unrelated to the situation, and was killed ONLY for the sake of a good story; if this isn’t enough proof to show how corrupt their society was, then I don’t know what is. Today, luckily, people can go months into an investigation to prove whether or not a man is truly guilty. The enormous difference between our two societies is showing how Bradbury is very inaccurate about his representation of society. Another reason as to why it is corrupt is the citizens would be arrested for absurd reasons. One example of this, is how Clarisse’s Uncle was arrested for taking a walk; not drugs, not killing someone, not burning a house, but walking around and enjoying life. In fact, young kids would purposely run over animals, and sometimes people, while on the road. Today, …show more content…

In the beginning of the book, we are shown how Mildred constantly has her seashells in her ears. These seashells are described as a portable radio that you can put in your ear; which he saw people would want, since we would desire an easier and more portable way to listen to our own specialized music. Living in his futuristic society, I can definitely say that his reasons and invention are definitely true. It is splendid being able to have my music in the palm of my hand, rather than having to carry a bulky radio. However, instead of calling them seashells we call them ear buds; like the seashells, we are able to listen to music through small portable devices. Another invention that was correctly predicted was the 3-walled T.V. Mildred and Montag own. This T.V surrounds them by three walls, which allows them to speak to it. He probably thought that we would want to be part of our show, rather than being a spectator. Because of this desire to be a part of something more than us, we recently created a 360 degree virtual reality. This reality allows you to get a full scope of what the show is, and get a sensation of being there yourself. Next, we also have a program on our phone that can “communicate” with us just like how the T.V could speak with Mildred and Montag. This uncanny similarity helps in showing how Bradbury’s

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