Brain Influences-Building Positive Relationships With Troubled Students: Case Study

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Chapter 5 How the Brain Influences-Building Positive Relationships With Troubled Students
Behavior Description: Positive student-teacher relationships is the most important factor all matters of classroom management, and the basis of effective discipline. In the absence of such relationship, effective classroom management would be a difficult daily struggle. Humans are social in nature. The relationships formed between a student and their parents, siblings, friends, peers, and teachers create a knowledge base of experience and emotion that help to influence response to different environmental stimulations.
How the Brain Influences Positive Relationships
Description: The brain regions, the medial prefrontal cortex and the anterior temporal lobe are responsible controlling social decisions and social behavior. Thus these brain regions are responsible for forming relationships, comparing oneself to others, interpreting behavior, and dealing with hunger or sleep. The medial prefrontal cortex is a part of the frontal lobe, which is responsible to for the rational control center of the brain and processing higher order thinking and problem solving. Thus affecting how an individual assess the mental state of another individual in a social setting. The anterior temporal lobe evaluates the social and emotional aspects of a situation and processes facial recognition. The development of understanding of the emotional intent of others increases in …show more content…

The effects of peer pressure is extraordinarily strong. Negative peer relationships can impose undesirable behavior such as smoking, drug and alcohol use, and reckless activities. While, positive peer relationships can moderate undesirable behavior that is not compatible with group norms.
How the Brain Influences Peer