Brain Wash In Brave New World

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Brain Wash Seduction by screens. Everywhere, every turn there’s screens, electronics, video games, and even glasses to wear that have screens inside of them. What has society come to? Addictions to games and social media. Today it’s normal to feed off of the media. In the novel Brave New World, Individuals are slandered and bombarded with slogans on replay to control the mind and perfect it. Every day they wake, even in their sleep... Hypnopedia, learning a less on while sleeping. It sounds crazy, but is so very possible. Alois Benjamin Saliger was an inventor and businessman in New York around 1927. He invented the Physco-Phone for sleep learning or “Hypnopedia”. It had proven that natural sleeping is identical with hypnotic sleep and during that natural sleep the unconscious mind is the most receptive to ideas and suggestions. (Sleep-Teaching) In Brave New World, …show more content…

It is very rare to hear now days that the children are being taught from a book, or even using paper and pencil. All work is done on computers. Books are no longer used to research, there is now google and explorer. Cellphones are a huge problem, video games are absorbing the children’s minds. Social media is at a very high peak. There are so many stories on the internet that there is no need to read the daily paper. When it comes to family, the way some people are raised is the complete opposite to how the family next door was raised. Some are raised racist, some are raised thinking crime is okay, and some even raised to hate god. Raised by what was heard, saw, and taught. As you can see, there isn’t much of a difference between Brave New World and society today. Some don’t get to use books, or have ideas, think, create, invent. Withheld from our own resources today, and forced to read off of screens and technology only. Homework online, tests online, applications, interviews and so much more. So why has technology taken