Brave New World Caste Analysis

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Each caste is assigned a color for quick identification, with Alphas wearing gray, Betas wearing mulberry, Deltas wearing green, Gammas wearing khaki, and Epsilons wearing black. Each caste is subdivided into pluses and minuses, although all wear the same color regardless of being an Alpha-plus or Alpha-minus. To strengthen the lower caste feeling that the upper castes are better and to keep the lower ranks in their place, the higher the caste the taller the individual is. The color of the castes is based on what their occupation is as in unknown voice in Brave New World says “Alpha much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much …show more content…

Identity is in large part the result of genetic engineering... Identity is also achieved by teaching everyone to conform, so that someone who has or feels more than a minimum of individuality is made to feel... almost an outcast. Stability... requires the production of large numbers of genetically identical "individuals," because people who are exactly the same are less likely to come into conflict. Stability means minimizing conflict, risk, and change.” Lenina says "when the individual feels, the community reels," in response to Bernard Marx stating that he "want to feel something strongly," (Huxley 94). When one person feels genuine emotion, the rest of the community falters. The website states that, “The key ingredient to stability that the novel implies is that individuality must be absent.” The government in Brave New World understands that fact that, "[there is] no civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability" (Huxley, 42). In order for the World State to survive and be at its best, there needs to be no chaos. The only way to achieve this is by having a society that never changes and is always balanced. To have social stability, there needs to a consistency of stability throughout the entire community. Therefore, stability needs to be present …show more content…

Control and stability can best be achieved when everyone is happy. As the website states, “The government does its best to eliminate any painful emotion, which means every deep feeling, every passion, is gone.” Huxley shows that the government recognizes the dangers of negative emotions when the controller states, "Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery" (150). The government in Brave New World understands that fact that the key ingredient to stability that the novel implies is that individuality must be absent and in the words of one of the ten controllers of the World State, says, "[there is] no civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability" (Huxley 28). Ten controllers of the world states determine all aspects of society. Children are born in state hatcheries according to what caste they will be in, they are given or denied certain components that are critical to the proper development for their social class. The citizens are happy and content with their simple lives as it is shown in the novel when a character states, "We don't want to change. Every change is a menace to stability," (Huxley