Bernard Marx In Brave New World Essay

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In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the world is perfect. There are few diseases, no one is lonely, and there’s time to do everything one could want to. Everyone is with everyone all the time. The caste system keeps everyone happy. However, there is one bottle-bred-baby, who is alone and an outcast. Bernard Marx. Bernard is an exile from the beginning of the book. He is rumored to have had, “alcohol in his blood-surrogate,” (p. 46) which causes him to be small, ugly, and “stunted.” He is one of the highest members in this “civilized” caste system, an Alpha Plus. This means he’s one of the smartest and most evolved members of society. He is an outcast partially by choice, but partially because he’s so strange. He doesn’t enjoy most of the activities …show more content…

He becomes very proud, and fails to realize how temporary this fame is. People didn’t especially like Bernard as a person, they just liked what he did. “But behind his back people shook their heads. ‘That young man will come to a bad end,’” they would say. (Pg. 157) Unfortunately, they were right. After a point, the Savage refuses to be shown off anymore, and Bernard loses all of the respect he temporarily held. He gets in trouble for not keeping an eye of the Savage, and he ends up being exiled literally to an island. Huxley tried to craft a world free of pain, opposition, and problems. His world was filled with happiness and people. This world failed to provide the opposition humans need to appreciate their lives. If one does not feel lonely, one can’t appreciate company. If one does not experience pain, one can’t love bliss. Huxley was warning against a world without opposition, which the world of the twenty-first century is quickly approaching. In order to truly be a human being, and to truly live, one must live through both the good and the