Who Is Bernard An Outsider In Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is a glimpse of the Utopian society that could be. The Utopian society where everyone has a part in society and no one questions their part. Though this society has erased disease and any danger to people, there is no true fulfillment, no true love, no sense of individuality. All of this comes as a conflict to Bernard, who isn't sold to the idea of conformity to this unseasoned society. Throughout the novel, Bernard questions the Utopian society, showing an understanding that there is more to life than what is here in the New World. His understanding bothers him; however, he believes it sets him on a pedestal. Bernard looks down upon others while he still conforms to society making him an outsider to his world. …show more content…

In addition to his height being different, his mind is different. He has thoughts of rebelling against the norms implanted into their brains. For example, Bernard likes to enjoy some peace and quiet, which is weird to Linina and others. Bernard is annoyed of all the commotion inside of the society, he just wants to be alone since that's when he can be himself. In additions, Bernard wants more than just sex; he wants true love. He believes he can find this true love in Linina but because everyone has been conditioned to have sex and nothing more. Bernard is alone. He can't seem to fit in or find love in this perfect world. However, once he finds out the Director has a son, John, he brings John over to stick it to the man. Becoming a parent has been erased from their beliefs, so this is the perfect chance for Bernard. But once Johns true character, rebel, is revealed Bernard is suddenly not with the rebelling. Showing his true characteristics; a