
Brave New World Essential Questions

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Jack Kyzer
Mr. Seppi
Period 2
ITA 2: Brave New World

Essential Questions
1: How Should the Government treat Its Citizens?
In Brave New World, the World State gives its citizens gratification and denies them any responsibility in society. Basically, the World State is infantilizing the people so they do not have to care about anything. It is the World State’s responsibility to solve the problems of the world. Should we treat our people that way? Should our government be held responsible for solving all problems of the world, or do we ourselves have to take responsibility of our actions ourselves?
2: What are the roles of sexes in society?
When the Director of The Hatchery gives his new students a tour through the complex, it reveals that all of the Director’s students are boys. This reveals that women will occupy little power in society and the World State throughout the novel. The next …show more content…

For the chairs, it was like sitting on a cushion filled with air. For Lenina, it describes what sex is like with her. About Lenina, pneumatic means that Lenina’s flesh and her bosom is described as well-rounded, balloon-like, or bouncy. Pneumatic is used to represent the physical characteristics of both a woman and a piece of furniture that underscores the novel’s theme of human sexuality which has been degraded to the level of a commodity.
3: Ford
In Brave New World, the citizens of the World State used “Ford” as a substitution for Henry Ford, the man who created the Ford Motor Company. They used this term for whenever they describe their religion, like how we say, “Oh my God,” the World State says, “Oh my Ford”. This shows that through the eyes of the World State, Henry Ford, who created all different sorts of mechanized factory production, became a God to them. So, their own religion has been replaced by the sheer awe that technology provided for them.

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