Brave New World States Three Pillars

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The Achievements and Failures of the Word States Three Pillars In the Novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley the World State designed a motto that is used to keep the World State in control. These three pillars are Community, Identity, and Stability. They are used to keep society running smoothly, keeping strict control over Society's mind, body and soul. The World States attempt to make life better and easier by getting rid of individuality, social problems, and engaged thought, which takes away individuality, real happiness, and family prevents them from going against the government using Genetic Engineering to condition them to like and accept it. Community is the first pillar of the World State's Motto. They practice this by holding ceremonies and worshiping Henry Ford, a historical figure who invented the assembly line and made contributions to mass production. They worship Ford as a deity because of his beliefs on consumerism. They hold these ceremonies and the community sings to worship him and …show more content…

The Government uses Conditioning to keep everyone in order. They are conditioned to hate the country and books, because when they read books, they gain knowledge and gaining knowledge about what the government is doing might trigger them to rebel against it. The Bokanovsky process contributes to the World States plan of stability. “ Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability.”(7) Soma is another way the Government keeps Society act in a way that brings them stability. Keeping them sedated allows them to not be aware of what the government is doing and allows them to be distracted. The way they are conditioned teaches them to take soma when they feel anytype of emotion that soma doesn’t bring to them. Keeping the population in a drugged state allows them to remain in control. “Stability,” insisted the controller, “stability. The primal and ultimate need. Stability. Hence all