
Breaking Hearts Over Political Relationships: Breaking Hearts Over Political Differences

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Breaking Hearts Over Political Differences
Relationships are pivotal in shaping the way people live their lives and the choices they make. While the majority of relationships may be chosen, especially in one’s later years, there is a small cluster of relationships that are handed at birth. The ability to dissociate from one’s family is a difficult task that may seem impossible for some. For others, it is a necessity when one’s fundamental values, and its counterparts – political values – are starkly differed. This inability to cope with others of opposing political values is rooted in one’s morally correct, yet potentially wavering political tolerance for others. This concept is extended in later stages of life when one has a partner where political values may precede the “undying love”. By observing existing complications that arise within the relationships of one’s life, it will become evident that political beliefs largely take precedence over even the most intimate relationships.
Family plays a huge part in shaping the individual that a child will become in later life. Even prior to birth, the environmental chemicals and maternal substances used during fetal development have been linked to a child’s behaviour in later years (Dodge and Pettit 2003). The different aspects of life to which a child is exposed to in their early years is able to play a role in who they become later on. Due to its possession as an important primary influence, the role of family essentially

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