Breaking The Law Essay

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To protect the public, the state has established as system of licensing to provide assistance and to punish ANYONE who tries to provide it without the license. EVERY STATE HAS LAWS ON WHO CAN BE AN ATTORNEY AND ON THE UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW. THERE ARE THREE KINDS OF ACTIVITY: Representing
Preparing and Drafting
In many states it is a crime to practice law illegally. It is not a crime to represent self, but you risk going to jail if you practice law on someone else. So... ANYONE WHO PRACTICES THE LAW WITHOUT KNOWING THE LAW IS BREAKING THE LAW.

Any and every law student after having surviving competition for admission now wonder with considerability anxiety whether or not they can master the law when they can not even comprehend the law. Preface of Law Dictionary written by, Stephen or Steven H. Gifis.

Since Law day May 1, 1958 , the ABA has sponsored Law day on May 1, of each year. A day on which American Schools, public assemblies, and courts draw attention to importance of law in modern society. The day appointed for a debtor to discharge mortgage or forfeit the property to the lender. The yearly or twice yearly …show more content…

Did you know that other countries when making the law of their land fashioned their law from the United States Constitution? These other countries were using parts for constructing their laws for they were founded upon peace, equalities and human rights. And anyone found in violation of the law shall be punished to the fullest extent of the law. That was written by Thomas J. Norton from The Constitution its Applications and Resources. All our laws and statutes originate from the Basic Instructions/Instincts Before Leaving Earth our bible that our Father hath given us. WE HAVE FREE WILL AND ARE ENTITLED TO USE