Bridget Fulfilly: An Intertextual Analysis

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How many of us have been subject to that slightly humiliating yet flattering moment of being sung to by a restaurant wait staff with family and friends joining in?
Really, when we think about it, we know it’s as much about them as it is about our birthday. In the glow of the candle it becomes a shared experience that reaches beyond our dining room table. For an instant we’re all insiders for a moment of celebration and understanding.
The Costa Mesa based, Royal Tea & Treatery is really about that, a moment of basking in celebration for the many people that otherwise wouldn’t be able to fully share. And it’s a place that wouldn’t exist without the combined support of friends and family that believed in the owner, Bridget Reilly.
Bridget suffers from food allergies and after a …show more content…

Being able to join in is as important as knowing the food is safe.

In her own experience and through her packaged goods, Bridget Reilly knew she could address this need by offering food to be shared not just substituted. An original ‘no’ from Bridget’s bankers wasn’t a stopping point, but a beginning. Through innovation, vision and spirit, Bridget reached out to her community and found the resources and the opportunity to open her first business, the Bite Market.
Since the success and demand created at the Bite Market, Bridget has grown. She has expanded to a gluten and diary free eatery with a commercial kitchen. Today, Bridget turns out full meals always gluten and diary free and always followed by her beautiful signature cupcakes and wonderful desserts. Her tag line, when it’s done well, you can’t tell says it all. Her food is delicious and provides simple, safe enjoyment for the many folks that come together to eat and celebrate at the Royal Tea &