Brief Summary Of The Book 'Trapped In The Flag'

702 Words3 Pages

Raymond Szeto
Ian Baldwin
HIST 102 1004
November 13th 2014
Wrapped In the Flag Being involved in radical politics as a youth may not sound interesting to most, but it does get youths to understand what is happening to the nation and what they can do about it. Most youths would not think about what would happen to their future and what they can do to save it. It is important for youths to be involved in politics at a young age so they can have a fighting chance to stand up for what is right and take a stand. Most youths still have a lot of time to change or improve a right if they start young whereas, starting at an old age does not give enough time or acknowledgement to change or improve a right. An example from the book is when Claire Conner was very young at the age of thirteen and her father had given a membership application to the John Birch Society and told Conner that she was able to save the nation. The John Birch Society was a group that supported anti-communism and limited government. At Claire's age back at that time and even if today's time, most kids would not be in a group trying to fight for the nation that is contained with communism and how the government controls the …show more content…

Most college students would fight for the right to decrease school tuition instead of increasing it. If college students are willing to fight for something, it shows that they can attempt to change the future even if it does not go their way at all. At least, they fought for something not only for themselves, but for other people that would be facing this similar type of situation. At a young age, most people still have a lot of time to change how the future can and will be overlooked at a different perspective. The future can be shaped from how the government oversees everything or the future can be shaped from how citizens were able to make a difference and fought for what they believed