Brief Summary Of 'The Grapes Of Wrath'

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This part of the book is focused on Randy’s personal life while providing background information about his past experiences and details about his illness. His battle with cancer started back in 2006. After undergoing an intense surgery, Randy and his wife, Jai, discovered during a doctor’s visit that Randy didn’t have much longer to live (3-6 months approximately according to his doctor). Randy then talks about how he was, and trying to be, positive throughout this experience. However, he also understands that he is sometimes “self-possessed to a fault”, as his professor Andy van Dam would say. This professor played an important role in pointing out some of Randy’s unpleasant moments; but indicating them in a way that only means well and isn’t too harsh. Randy moves on to talking about his relationship …show more content…

Their first problem was being in a long distance relationship, therefor Randy asked her to move to Pittsburgh in order to be closer to him, and she agreed. However, Jai changed her mind at the last minute and told Randy that she didn’t love him. Randy was devastated, but followed his parent’s advice by giving her some space. Their advice worked and eventually Jai and Randy got married. Their wedding ended with them getting on an air balloon. Although that experience seemed magical at first, it started to get a little out of hand and dangerous, but luckily it ended without harm. He then addressed the fact that the output of a situation is in your hands, whether it’s good or bad, and uses the story of when his first child was born as a reference. Randy also teaches the lesson that “People are more important than things” through some of his experiences. The first one he talked about is when his wife