Brief Summary: Rikki-Tavi, By Richard Kipling

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“ Rikki-tikki-tavi,” by Richard Kipling, Rikki had a right to proud of himself but not too proud because he saved the English family from getting killed by the snakes. Rikki-tikki did some unintelligent things that could have killed him, but he fought off the snakes that could have killed the small english family in the bungalow. Rikki saved the father of Teddy by fighting off Nag.” Rikki tikki saw Nag and Nagaina in the bathroom, and decided after Nagina left the he needed to kill nag. Rikk told himself that if he didn 't jump on Naga 's back and break it the first kill, he would still be able to fight. Rikki said that he needed to jump on Nags head and hold there until Nag was dead. Rikki jumped and the englishman heard the commotion and got a gun which killed Nag.” (page 18) Riki saved the english family again by killing the little brown snake named Kaurat. …show more content…

“Riki was walking down the path in the day, he suddenly heard a rattling sound as he passed the bushes and the little hole of dirt in between the bushes he heard the snake go shh shh I am Kaurate I am tiny, fast, and agile this makes me dangerous. Rikki needed to kill Kaurat because he would hurt the little boy. Rikki jumped on Kurt 's back as Kaurat was talking, killing him.”( Page 17 ) Rikki saved the english family many times but this time he was the most dumb about saving the family. Rikki killed Nagaina, Nags wife, and then king cobras babies. “Rikki totted down the beaten down path to the garden were Nagaina 's eggs

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