Brotherhood In The Odyssey

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Brotherhood and friendship among soldiers is a theme of life that has been relevant since ancient times. Today, it is well known that soldiers often form strong bonds with each other. Also, modern movies and books depict these brotherly bonds. One thing that is not always realized is that soldiers have been forming these bonds since the times of Ancient Greece. The formations of these brotherly bonds likely have their origins in the ancient theme of xenia, the Ancient Greek word for hospitality. Greek generals had to follow the rules of xenia because their soldiers were considered their guest. Eventually strong bonds began forming between fellow soldiers, not just generals. The formation of these bonds was relevant to society in Ancient Greece, so much so that it influenced some of the literature and art from the time period. The Iliad and the Odyssey, two of the most famous pieces of literature from Ancient Greece, involve brotherly bonds of soldiers. Achilles Tending the Wounded Patroclus, an ancient …show more content…

Much of the literature of Ancient Greece includes the theme of the brotherhood among soldiers. Two of the most popular pieces of literature of the time, the Iliad and the Odyssey, have the main characters, involved in a brotherly relationship with fellow soldiers. Even after the time of Ancient Greece, the brotherhood among soldiers continues to be relevant. Many movies, like Blackhawk Down, and books, like Lords of Discipline, have been made with the central theme being the brotherhood shared by soldiers. Even in the real world, many soldiers talk about how they have grown a brotherhood with each other. The brotherhood shared by soldiers was an important part of ancient warfare and continues to be an important part of warfare