Brown Vs Board Of Education Case Study

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A historic case in the U.S. supreme court was called the Brown vs. the Board of Education. Getting a good education is essential and we can see diverse population of students from different nationality in the classroom. However, this wasn’t always the case in the United States. Up until 1954, classrooms were very different than they are today—not allowing African American students to attend schools with white students. This was allowed because of the previous court case of 1896 of Plessy vs. Ferguson. In this case, the court allowed segregation as long as the services provided were equal which meant that separation of students according to their race in schools was okay. This was accepted in many states despite the fact that the Fourteenth …show more content…

In this case, the “black” law school already existed but was underfunded and didn’t have same academic caliber as the white school. With the help of Thurgood Marshall, Sweat sued to be admitted to the University’s white law school. They argued that the principle of “equality” was violated because the black law school was “separate” but “not equal.” Thus, like Murry’s case, the court ruled to admit Sweat to the University’s white law school. This case was known as Sweat v. Painter (1950) (United States Courts, n.d.). In 1949, an African American man named George McLaurin was admitted in the University of Oklahoma to its doctoral program. However, he was required to sit separately from rest of the students in the class, eat at a different time and table from white students. All of these unusual actions had some adverse effects on his academic pursuits. McLaurin appointed Thurgood Marshall to advocate this case this case which went to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court favored Sweat and stated that the actions were affecting Sweat’s ability to learn and should stop immediately (United States Courts,