Breville Barista Express Analysis

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Breville Barista Express Review What’s the worst thing in the world? An upset stomach? Having the new episode of your favorite television show spoiled for you? Unrequited love? All of those things are pretty terrible, but nothing compares in terms of awfulness to a bad cup of coffee. If you are a coffee affianado and wretch at the thought of a cup of instant coffee, you’ll love the Breville Barista Express. Breville Barista Express With the Breville Barista Express you’ll be able to brew cups of coffee with a flavor just not possible when using a Nespresso machine or a K-Cup. It was released by Breville in 2013 and enjoyed a period as the jewel in the brand’s caffeinated crown, before being knocked off its perch by Breville’s Oracle coffee maker. Still, the Barista Express remains one of the most popular coffee makers among dedicated coffee drinkers and it isn’t hard to see why. Who is this product for? The Breville Barista Express sells for in or around $550, so you should cross it off your list if you have a budget to stick to. For the coffee aficionado who has a lot of money to play around with, however, this is the ideal personal coffee maker. With pressurized filters for beginners and non-pressurized filters for more experienced espresso makers, the Breville Barista Express is suitable for …show more content…

If you want a coffee maker that will brew you a cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of coffee after dinner in the evening, there are hundreds of less expensive coffee machines that require far less effort. If you are a coffee aficionado, however, and recognize brewing coffee as an art form and not just something that has to be done to avoid falling asleep, you are going to love the Breville Barista Express. It will give you all the tools needed to become a bonafide espresso master and will push you to create and perfect a unique taste that Starbucks couldn’t even dream of