
Bruce Jenner Thesis

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Jeremy Falck
English 111
October 19, 2015
Happiness of Transgender It took Bruce Jenner years to make the decision to change his gender identity from a male to a female. Many would say that this has made her much happier, others still believe that she is still as confused and unhappy as before. Is it a fact that transgender individuals who change their gender identity live a happier life? Defining happiness is a very difficult thing whether you are transgender or not. In this write-up I will explore the definition of happiness, apply it to the theory of whether transgender people are happier, and provide some real-life examples of whether transgender individuals are happier after they undergone transgender change. This is …show more content…

Asher Eno, author of “Transgender community needs more positive stories like Bruce Jenner’s, specialist says” individuals suffer for years. They feel alienated from their identities as men or women. They spend years talking hormones and undergo many sex change procedures. It’s not uncommon for these individuals to be married to spouses and have children.
According to Vanity Fair, “Caitlyn Jenner: The Full Story”, Bruce Jenner lived a life very similar to this story. Bruce knew from an early age that he was a women in a male body. Although he was married three times, he felt very isolated and alone. He tried to transition to a women in the late 1980’s but he felt too ashamed and stopped. The situation was also more complicated because he was on TV and married into a very famous family called the Kardashians. Following that, he also had four children and did not want to embarrass them. Living with his secret, made him extremely …show more content…

Many transgender individuals are anonymous and live a very isolated and discriminated life even after they come out. In a 2013 report, the Human Rights Campaign published a report saying that 14% of transgender workers were unemployed, 44% are under employed, and 15% have an income less than $10,000. Another study by The National Transgender Discrimination Survey Report in 2010, reported that there was a 41% attempted suicide rate for transgender women and men (26). There are common issues that transgender individuals face: discrimination, religious conflict, acceptance, loneliness, and rejection from loved ones. This makes these indivuals very unhappy in life even after they have changed their gender

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