Buffy The Vampire Slayer Sociological Analysis

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a show made by Joss Whedon, is a great show to watch when it comes to sociology. Besides the fact that the hero is a girl, there are many other sociological concepts within the show. The character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer all shows deviance at one point or another, there are very strong gender roles, the show includes various sex topics, and shows a tad bit of economics and social class. Buffy Summers is a Vampire Slayer, which means it is her job to kill vampires and other types of demons. She is supposed to kill vampires, not date them. Buffy dated Angel, who is a vampire. This was hard for her friends to comprehend and it took a lot of time to be accepted. This is an example of deviance because it is frowned upon by most. The one thing that made Angel and Buffy less deviant was something that was deviant itself. Once a human is sired (turned into a vampire) they lose their soul. Angel, however has a soul. This is unheard of, which makes him deviant. Another form of deviance in the …show more content…

Although the show doesn’t go very deep into this, there are some examples. Cordelia Chase is the schools mean girl. She’s popular, mean, rich and spoiled. She has money to buy high end clothes and shoes. She never had to work, and she often makes fun of the not so fashionable students in the school. She was rich, until her father got caught not paying his taxes for the last 12 years. Now, Cordelia has to work to afford her prom dress, which is shown in the episode “The Prom” in season 3. She ended up not having enough money to buy the dress, but her ex- boyfriend surprised her by buying it for her. Another example of someone being poor is Buffy. After the death of her mother, Buffy had to pick up the slack and find a way to pay the bills. She was poor. But eventually found a job, struggled and eventually it didn’t matter anymore because something very evil came and drove everyone out of