Bugbee Elementary School: A Short Story

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The cold breeze on Monday morning fogged the freezing cars. It was already 20 degrees at 8 a.m. A few teachers stood outside amongst the arriving students in the lot. Many people biked to school, but biking on this day wasn’t smart, but I made it. Bugbee Elementary School, where I got my first glimpse of education, started me off on a good path to success. I walked through the doors that morning, excited for the day ahead.
But, this story is not about how I was educated. Its actually about how I misbehaved.
So, all the way back to Second Grade with “mean mean Mrs. Green!” Obviously, she was not my favorite teacher. Mrs. Green was the most strict teachers I had throughout elementary school. I was happy with almost every teacher in elementary school but Mrs. Green. She is one of those teachers I have absolutely no remembrance …show more content…

In the morning, shortly before lunch, I went to the “bathroom.” Walking in, an acrid smell of a dirty, old bathroom floor filled my nostrils. My feet began to stick to the floor because of the dried substance on the ground.
Then, I heard some noise: he was already getting very excited about his new sport. It sounded like a sports event was happening or like the Oakland Raiders scored a touchdown.
Before spotting Pat in the corner of the bathroom, I took a long look around. To my left, the three, blue, rusty stalls half-open. To my right, three little sinks with knobs to dispense the water. Just past the stalls were the urinals, which reached to the ground. They had a small puddle of substance in front of them. Then there was Pat, standing next to them. Pat introduced me to a fun, exciting, new sport. The goal was to shoot paper towel balls over the stall doors into the toilets. Yeah, the activity was stupid. But in the moment, it seemed like the new big thing. Before beginning to play, I was hesitant.
“Come on, try it!” yelled