Build A Better Immigration System, Not A Wall By Gary Johnson

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Gary Johnson disputes in his editorial, “Build a better immigration system, not a wall”, how Trump’s promise to deport all the eleven million undocumented immigrants is illogical with no common sense, in which Johnson’s statements are agreeable because this wall will strip America’s diversity, likewise altering the entire American population. Gary Johnson declares that he is tired after hearing politicians speak about Trump’s “beautiful wall” proposal. Johnson is the presidential candidate for the Libertarian party and he was the governor of New Mexico for two terms. With the prior knowledge of being governor, Johnson recognizes the extent of the Latino/Mexican community. In his article, he argues that Trump’s scheme of constructing a wall on the border of Mexico and the U.S. is the wrong way to enforce immigration protocols. Instead of building a wall to prevent illegal immigration, Johnson suggests that the United States should simply have forthright background checks and improve paperwork for family connections. In this case, border controls can keep …show more content…

By eradicating the immigration “policy”, America will no longer be the same country everyone perceives. When Trump obligates to deport undocumented immigrants, he is erasing a part of America’s identity. Not to mention, Trump is also going against the opinions of everyone else who is living in America. There are numerous people, including Johnson, who disagrees with his plans. Trump’s strategy for immigration regulations is not the proper approach. Agreeing to one of Johnson’s statement, immigrants who move to America are not here to cause complications. In addition, immigrants typically move to the U.S. for an improvement in their lifestyle and education, thus meaning this wall will cause a rift between the people and the government. In fact, the U.S. already has one of the strictest border