Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Clinton

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Consequently, through connecting the successes of Obama and to her own career, Clinton is also able to appeal to various voter demographics on policy issues. For example, Hillary Clinton emphasizes the strength America has gained through the leadership of President Barack Obama, particularly within the economic sector. Through using Obama’s ability to benefit the economy with an increase in new private sector jobs and a good fiscal year for the auto industry . Hillary Clinton then outlines her proposed plans to further advance America’s economy, by expanding support for the steel industry, autoworkers and home-grown manufacturers, as well as small businesses. Economics was considered to be important to 52 percent of voters, signifying it …show more content…

Trump emphasizes the idea of America being in a state of peril and danger, that is domestically and internationally at risk . As a result, Trump prioritizes domestic security as one of his main concerns and identifies (illegal) immigrants as a large threat to American national security . Immigration is one of Trump’s key points of acclaim, in regard to policy strengths, and Trump speaks about revolutionary plans to “suspend immigration from terrorist countries” and create a “border wall” between the United States. Trump’s revolutionary acclaims addressing the 42 percent of voters who felt that trade “takes away U.S. Jobs”, as identified in Nelson’s “The Election of 2016,” which resulted in 65 percent of that demographic voting for Trump . This is one of the few times, Trump discloses his plans for policy.
Consequently, through attempting to diminish immigration from specific ethnic communities within the world Trump also uses his position to shape his own definition of America. America is presented by Trump to be a white and Christian America . As a result, Trump is able to create an exclusive racial and religious hierarchy that could appeal to the 2/3 of the voting demographic which is white individual with or without a college degree , significantly benefiting his position within the electoral competition and providing him with …show more content…

Clinton presents a viewpoint of America as a country that values diversity, inclusivity, freedom, justice and equal opportunity, as well as being a country that was built on the work of many individuals put together, rather than individualistic dominance and change . Clinton specifically attempts to appeal to the target demographic that assisted Obama in solidifying his presidential campaign, the Coalition of the Ascendant. The Coalition of the Ascendant, is formed of a group of marginalized minorities that included African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, young voters, and women . In order to secure the vote of these varied voter demographics, Clinton acclaims various policies that would appeal to minority groups, as well as policies founded on the ground of equity and inclusivity. For example, when discussing terrorism Clinton highlights the importance of working with allies and not creating exclusionary policies to ban certain religious groups that would result in a rift being created within the country . She also attempts to entice the follower demographic of Bernie Sanders, her biggest democratic competitor during the primaries, through, first highlighting that Bernie’s cause is her cause and then through acclaiming policies that are directly aimed at benefiting students and towards poverty alleviation, such as making college tuition free for middle class and debt free